Beauty Favorites January



My beauty favorites this month are following:

It is nice with some sunshine and color on my light skin. This bronzer is from Too Faced in the color Milk Chocolate Soleil which is a mat light/medium brown bronzer.
I find this light bronzer perfect for my light and mat winter colored skin. 

I can’t live without my eyelash curler. Without this eyelash curler I would just have stiff and straight eyelashes.

To give my eyebrows more filling I use Elf Eyebrow kit. I have been using this eyebrow kit for a year now and I’m very satisfied with the result I get of it.

In the winter there is nothing worse than dry and chapped lips. I therefore always have a lipbalm with me. 

The perfume I have been using most this month is my dear ‘In Love’ from Lancôme. It is one of my favorites perfume.

A cleaned old mascara brush is amazing. I use this brush for my eyebrows or on my eyelashes after mascara. By using the brush after mascara, I can spread the mascara out on all the lashes but without putting more mascara on. 

Right now I’m using a Better than sex mascara from Too Faced, but I’m not totally satisfied with the mascara.  I find The brush very clumsy and hard to work with.

A comb and a volume powder is amazing to give you hair some life. 

Maybelines Dream Lumi Touch is an amazing highlighter concealer. It has a great cover effect, easy to work with and doesn’t look greasy on the skin.

My all-time favorite for the time is my Clinque Almost Powder. It is a oil free powder so it doesn’t make my skin greasy. it also have a really great covering and the color is perfect. Before this powder I had trouble finding a powder that matched my skin color perfectly. 

Do you use some of these products and what do you think about them?


27 tanker omkring “Beauty Favorites January

  1. I’ve heard a lot about that ELF Brow Kit for a bit now and I’m very tempted to try it. I’m a big user of the Rimmel eyebrow pencil, but I think to only reason I get away with it is because my eyebrows are already out of control! And I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who isn’t crazy about the Too Face Better Than Sex mascara!


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